Getting To Know: Antonella Cioci

Avon Insider

Serving as role models for entrepreneurship in their communities, Avon Representatives are also the company’s actual models. Each Avon brochure now features some of the most inspiring Avon Representatives from across the globe. These women embody Beauty for a Purpose, and on a daily basis are inspiring others through beauty. In this series, we provide a glimpse into their empowering and remarkable journeys.
Getting To Know Avon Representative Antonella Cioci. She tells us "Wear your beauty with pride!"
For Antonella Cioci of Argentina, her first contact with Avon was at 8 years old when her mother began selling the products. “I knew how much joy the purchases and deliveries brought, especially in terms of quality,” she recalls. Three years ago, when she became a Representative herself, she started to discover the additional perks of being an Avon insider. “You get the chance to find out first about the latest developments and product innovations, as well as new releases,” she says.

Now a leader for other Representatives, Antonella says that Avon has helped enhance her skills as a saleswoman – not to mention reach her dream of travelling. “Avon is great for developing your business as it brings constant opportunities to grow,” she says. “Avon means a lot to me and my family.”

7 Questions With Antonella

To me, empowerment means: progress.

The most rewarding thing about running my own business has been: creating my leaders group. I would say that leadership is the most valuable thing I’ve learned.

My biggest fulfilled goal is: I reached my dream of travelling.

The thing that makes me most happy in business is: interacting with people.

My best sales advice is: do not let shyness stop you.

My secret weapon is: definitely concealer.

In 10 years I: imagine myself to be working my Avon business, but with a larger group of people.